Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Checking IN and maybe out

OK, I've been the worst. I guess I would have gotten a little more excited about daily blogging if I actually thought someone was reading it.
So, If you are out there and you are still reading or have even stopped by to check for new posts,
let me know.
Give me the reason I need to start again.
Halloween excitement is here.
We've watched the great pumpkin and had a new pumpkin treat of some kind every Wenesday for a month.
Carter is more excited about future Halloweens then this one. I wan to be Batman, then Indiana Jones and then............I think he has his cstumes picked out until his 13 at least.

1 comment:

Eclectic Mishmash - totally unfocused. said...

I have you on my blogroll and I check in on you. :)


I found something fun, too, if you wanna kill WAY too much time ...
