Friday, December 28, 2007


OK, since the in-laws were in for a visit this week---aka free babysitting--Chris took me to see the movie that was a must see for me! PS I LOVE YOU and I loved it. I personally didn't think that it was a over the top romantic comedy. Lisa Kudrow is so so funny in the movie and Harry of course had the most funny lines in the movies. He also had a much bigger role than I thought he would. My huge crush of 20 years on Harry hasn't faded a bit. I'm still in love. I wasn't disappointed in this movie at all, it exceeded my expectations. If you don't make to see it at the movies, check in out on DVD when it comes out. It was a good story with a lot of laughs mixed in.
So there's my take on it. It might be another year before I make it to the movies again unless it's of the cartoon kind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Recap

Wonderful and busy. I"ve been so busy I have not thought about blogging.
The boys and me did make a modest gingerbread house from scratch. I was very happy with our very first effort and it was worth it, we had a snow day and it made the perfect time to do it. I'm hoping for snow day next year so we can do it again but they want to do a train.
My husband was the best this year........he got me more stuff than I ever though about asking for.

If you aren't into photography, it won't excite you but we got me a 70-200mm zoom lens for my camera.

I also got the portable Bose sound dock for the ipod which is more than wonderful........
The boys got me two toys.......which I loved
The food flippin Mario Batali wind up tin toy and a pink I-PUP.
Carter was so fun this year. He came and woke me up and said "My cash register is here"
He also wanted the Pizza Hut food set which seemed like an odd request for a 4 year old boy but santa showed up with it as well. He has been playing with them non stop.
Alex got his Lego crane and games. There were only a couple of things that didn't go as planned like the lights going out on my tree Christmas eve-------despite the fact they were new this year and one other thing that I shall not publish-------but my Chris kept telling me Sorry even though we had no part in or of but felt terrible for what happened-- I can't go into detail but it's great knowing that your man loves you and supports you.
I love shopping all year for Chirstmas and I planning on keep my eyes open for great deals.
Someone on my list is getting a super cheesy cheesy gift to make up for the fact they came me the worst gift ever this year(you should know who you are)
January will be crazy busy for me as I have to prepare all these tax forms for mortage interest to mail to all our customers and this is my first year to do it and alone at that. I'm on my own with no help from any one that did it previous so between after Chirstmas sale shopping and taxes my time for the blog might be limited. So I'm intending on enjoying the last few days of 2007. I do plan on making and posting a list of the best things that happened to me in 2007. Stay tunned.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful christmas!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

10 things you may not know about me

1. I'm a magazine junkie. I subscribe to way to many and I read them all. I have to read to fall asleep. I take magazines or buy them when traveling. Reading before bed is a must for me.
2. I like celebrity gossip, very useless trivial information about train wreck people, breakups, and hookups.
3. I used to have a huge crush on Ricky Schroeder. Sliver Spoons, so 80's, but I thought he'd come find me and marry me when I was nine.
4.I DO NOT drink coffee. Yes, I go to Starbucks once and awhile but not for the coffee. I drink tea. Love the shaken ice tea lemonade and in the winter I drink hot chocolate.
5. I played tennis when I was younger. I was quite good. I haven't picked up a racket in years.
6. My toe nails are always painted---NO Exceptions. I take the polish off when no one is looking and put it right back on.
7. I never wore pink until I had boys. I was baby blued out and my closet is now full of pink .I never got to buy pink for my babies so I'm making up for it.
8.I love to play board games. I was so happy when Alex got old enough for Operation and Connect 4.
9.I went though most of my childhood with a kool-aid mustache and no one told me not even my own mom.
I love sugar and consider it a food group but now as a grown up I can't stand kool-aid. Diet coke has taken over.
10. I was raised on the street. Sesame Street that is. I had Bert and Ernie gloves and a big bird stocking hat and every one of my school photos til 2Nd grade I was wearing some sort of sesame street clothes. I lived for that show and now get it enjoy it all over again. Cookie monster was always my favorite with big bird coming in 2ND.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

This is what it looks like when you walk into my house.
It's up and glowing. My ornament collection has grown and grown. And I love them all in their own way.
I remember when I was a little girl and the excitement of getting the tree was the best part. I loved the decorations. My family was very much the opposite. I found there were a lot of years, I did all the decorations myself. My Grandma was unable to put up her tree herself so I went over and did it for her for years. I have two very special angels with bread twist ties for hooks that used to be hers at the top of my tree. They are priceless to me. I grew such a fondness for Christmas ornaments. I love Hallmark one the most because off the detailing involved with them and the collectible factor. I love all different kinds. I'm always on the look out for something different. I'm lucky to have a select few signed by the artist who created them. When Chris and I got married 14 years ago, it started and now my kids go and pick out one ornament for themselves each year. I lost count as to a total but my 12 ft tree has few bare spots.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cold and Rainy Saturday Ramblings

Yuck.....Rain all day. I guess I should be grateful that I can get something done inside. But me and the boys had grown fond of getting up on Saturdays and going to garage sales all summer. But now that the weather has changed to cold, the joy of living in Kansas, the sales have stopped til spring. Some of our best finds this year would include a large volume of Lego's for Alex including Star Wars---two big sets for $2.00.
Carter got a huge bag of 25 Thomas the Tank Engine trains for $10.00 with a carrying case. For me, I found The French Chef" Julia Child DVD set for $.50 that sells on eBay for $22.00.
I watched that show with my Grandma Betty and it brings back such fond memories of her. Now if I can only find a old copy of "The Art of French Cooking"by Julia which I've been looking for for years and still have yet to find. Chris would say that I don't need any more cookbooks but I totally disagree.
It's been fun to watch the boys get overjoyed when we find something great to making comments like "That wasn't a very good one" when we find nothing but junk.
(Susan--if you are reading--can you remember our stop and laugh until we can't breathe garage sale in Waynoka. I still laugh when I think about it.)
Anyway..........Happy Saturday Enjoy the day no matter you find yourself doing.
Yikes 24 days to Christmas.......Funny when you are kid that seems like FOOOOOOOOOREVEEEEEEEEEEEEEER and here I am the mom and I wish I had an extra week to get everything done.
The boys and I are thinking about making a gingerbread house this year.
I'm struggling with the Martha in me that feels the need and desire to make the entire thing from scratch and the other part of me that wants to buy the Wilton everthing in it Kit.
What to do?
Our Christams tree that looks like a Hallmark store is up and will be posting pictures later in the week.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

In Search Of

I love weddings. In fact, I love the wedding cake almost more than any other part of the wedding.
I've always had a fondness for the bride and groom wedding cake toppers. Now days, it is not cool and you do not see them on modern day cakes. I have 4 bride and groom cake toppers and would love to have more. Let's face it, if you collect something 4 is not enough.
So, I'm put the word out for my ever growing obsession with rescuing these fading symbols of matrimony.
If you see a bride and groom cake topper at an estate sale or a garage sale.
please let me know. The older the better and under $20.00 the better.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall---Dancing Leaves

Carter said the leaves were "DANCING IN THE STREETS"
It's fun to watch the boys enjoy playing with something that doesn't require batteries or gas. All natural free fun. When is the last time you played in the leaves?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A must See for ME!

Not only does it look like a good girl Harry is in at as well.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Bridges of Madison County

We caught the last hour of the movie last night.
If you want to stir up a great debate in my house, than talk about the movie
The Brides of Madison County. We've seen this movie at least 7 or 8 times and even took the time to stop at all the covered bridges when were going through Iowa (which I highly recommend). For some reason though, Chris and I see this movie from two totally different views. His is one of nothing more than a woman who had an affair and mine is one of love and loyalty. Don't you love the the line
"This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime"
I'm most definitely not endorsing having an affair nor do I think it's right but I do think the male view of this movie is way different than the female view. I feel a little bit like Francesca when she says....................... "They fail to see the beauty of it all"
A lot of things that are beautiful so often get over looked every single day.
Take the time today to notice the beauty of what's around you.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Anne Geddes

Last night I had the great privlage of getting to go to an an author event on the plaza. Anne Geddes was in town and I was able to listen to her speak about her life and photographs and then was able to get a copy of her new book "Labor of Love" signed. It was such a great experience. This book is about her life story and I found it very enjoyable to read.
For those that don't Anne she the one that takes all those great pictures of babies that I'm sure you've seen at some point. It was a great time and love the new book.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick or Treat

Alex has wanted to a mummy for a whole year ...........after mom slaving for hours and 24 yards of cheese cloth later....he is a mummy.

Carter -the spider poor second child was forced to reuse the spider Alex wore but he loved it so
I didn't feel too bad.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Senior Girls

I had the honor of getting photograph Sam and her mom Lisa and little sister Elizbeth earlier in the month. The girls were great and really into posing. Lana also got her pictures taken the same day. The girls were at lot of fun.
Here's a few of my favorites.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lovin Lightroom

I've been having so much fun with lightroom lately. It is so user friendly. I sent alot of my negatives to be scanned and I can't wait to get them back so I can go back and make some of my older photos even better than the originals. I spent some time today on the photo of Carter from 2 years ago.

Time to Blog

I've been addicted to reading some blogs lately and decided it was time to do it for myself.
It does take me back in time a little bit because I must admit that I wrote down everything in my teen age years. I get a good laugh going back and reading those journals.

Welcome to my blog!!!!!