Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting ready for the holidays

We are in full swing at getting ready for the holidays. I have 3 pumpkin pies in the oven and the tree is up with lights on after much drama. I thought I smelled, well, buring plastic, and I was right. The lights, all which were brand new via 90% at target, went out not once but after replacing the cord, went out again. Oh my. I was about read to cry.Let me just say that the tree cords they sell are junk and will not hold the power for all my lights. It few out the fuses and melted the plastic. This is when a Husband came in and saaved the day after a trip to Home Depot. The lights are now shiny and bright.
Listen to my Harry's new Christmas Cd non-stop but a little sad that I will not be making the trek to St. Louis to see him next week. IT's a day worth of traveling and his stop came at the worst time of the month. So, I had to skip it regradless of my inner girl that want to drop all grown up commetments and go like the big groupie I am, the Cd will have to do.
I'm 80% done shopping but nothing is wrapped. I think that's pretty good since it's not even Thanksgving just yet.
Safe and happy Turkey day to everyone of my 5 blog readers and thank you for hanging in with me through dry spells.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Checking IN and maybe out

OK, I've been the worst. I guess I would have gotten a little more excited about daily blogging if I actually thought someone was reading it.
So, If you are out there and you are still reading or have even stopped by to check for new posts,
let me know.
Give me the reason I need to start again.
Halloween excitement is here.
We've watched the great pumpkin and had a new pumpkin treat of some kind every Wenesday for a month.
Carter is more excited about future Halloweens then this one. I wan to be Batman, then Indiana Jones and then............I think he has his cstumes picked out until his 13 at least.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A sign of the times

I went shopping last night for all the boring things of life TP, soap, Ect. and saw

school supplies

The end of summer is near and I'm Ready. Love the boys but I'm ready for them to go back to school.

I like shopping for school supplies. Glue, markers, new folders---------what joy.
I always got to pick out a new lunch box , back when they where still made of tin, that was my favorite part. If only my mom had kept them, I'd sure display them in my kitchen. Such fond memories. Little debbies were always inside. My dad still has them in the fridge and bitting into one can take me back to 2nd grade.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rain and the summer fun

5 minutes for mom is having a photo contest.

Could this ooze any more spirit of childhood than a boy riding is tractor in the rain umbrella and all?

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Surprise. Well maybe not. I think few things surprise me any more. But I find days once and awhile that really everything is surprising.
boys will be boys-----this I know for sure
husbands will be husbands
moms will be moms
the general population of America will be mostly crazy
Surprises should be of the good kind, make you happy, make your day because you were not counting on it to happen at all.
When was the last time you were really surprised?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Feel the Love

I'm not even sure how I came across this blog.
But am so touched by their story.
You can feel how much they love one another.
There's a fasttrack section that will fill you in on all you need to know.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How come no one told me?

About the DoubleChocolaty Chip Frappuccino at Starbucks ....I mean really that was one of the best new (new to me anyway) things that I've had in a long time.
WoW it was good.
I treated myself to one for my birthday.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Every once in awhile you'll hear part of a song and the lyrics really strike a cord with you.

Below are those such lyrics form Robin Thicke 's Lonely world

Beautiful Mom can U smile
Can U glow can U sing me my favrite song
Coffee for one Clothes are clean
Kids are gone What to do She's a sleeping sun
She sees birds fly out her window
She watches jealously
she says she's to old 4 new new things
But mama
You've got wings

Friday, April 4, 2008

Do you know me?

How well do you ever really know someone?
Sometimes it's odd to me that someone I've known for a very short time knows more about what I like and who I am than some one how has known me for 20 years.
How can that be? I've always wondered why that is? Is it only me that this happens to? I don't think it's because they care more about me that they know what I enjoy, like and listen too.
They just must not have any interest in knowing me, they just walk around thinking they do when they don't. This whole time have had it their mind what "I am". What a shame to know someone for that long and it really never came across their mind to get to know me. Maybe because they like their " idea" of me rather than the reality.
No it's not my man I"m talking about. He usually knows what I'm going to do before I do and just how I'll respond.
What a strange relationship it is. I wish it were different but it's not. I'm willing to talk but the other party needs to want to listen but yet they really choose not to. If this was a relationship of choice it would be so easy to walk away but it's not that kind.
Acceptance with out resentment is the best choice I think.
So what makes you want to thake the time in getting to know someone?
I like blogs so I know more about people I've never face to face than this person knows about me.
Now that I"ve made no sense to some of you..........I know one thing for for sure I know me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Guilty of Blog neglect. What can I say really? I have not had much go on in my world that's been worthy of blogging about. It's all been about details like laundry dishes . Not much exciting.
I did an awesome deal on a table for my boys. I've been looking for a coffee table with the ability to store Lego's and I got the perfect one for 20.00. It's got basket drawers and a iron metal shelf on the bottom for bins. I love it and so do the boys. We've even managed to sort through 15 pounds of Lego's into different parts. They had to let go of some baby toys to make the table work in room and they thought it was worth. Everyone is happy.
I'm so happy that it's starting to warm up although the spring winds did knock down a very large tree branch we are talking a good 20 ft tall branch. A days worth of work to clean up. (Insert big sigh)
And for those of you that tend to forget stuff--------don't forget my birthday next Wednesday the 9th.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Under the Weather...........

Not only was the weather bad this week but I got, as Sponge Bob would say, a case of the suds.
I'm talking bad.....real high fevers. I'm really still in a fog and it's been almost a week. So my house falls apart when I'm not well. The toys are everywhere. Last night I tought I heard the words food fight....and my two boys were throwing plastic food at each other. It was quite amusing except for the mess.
I have not even been to Target this week or anywhere else for that matter.
Earlier last week before the suds hit, I snuck out of the house to go see U2 3D.
Let me say it was very very well done and so cool. I mean, the trill of having Bono feel like he was in your lap, was just very darn exciting. I super loved it. Even if you just think U2 are OK, I would check this out. The 3d parts of this are jaw dropping. I saw them back in 1987, WOW that makes me like so old, during the Joshua Tree. This concert movie really is almost better than the real thing.
I got to be in charge and make cupcakes for Carter's valentine's party. I tried to make the Rachel Ray marshmallow frosting and I tasted it like a stick of butter so I ended up making butter cream instead. I was very quick to judge on the RR frosting. After it sat all afternoon, the flavors blended together and was good not as sweet as butter cream. So I think I'll try it again just make it the day before and let it sit.
I like cool weather but the under 20 temp has to stop soon. I can't wait for Spring.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Some cringe at the very mention of the word.OR scoff. Or smirk. Or cringe. Or Cry.
Young women today are not homemakers. They bring home the bcon and help fry it the pan.
And if too tired to cook, they order pizza and play video games with their kids.
But the word has come up a lot lately and I for one like the sound it.
It conjures up picture of a cozy house and a happy family and the person who has chosen to make all that a priority.
It's a much better word than housewife or stay at home mom.
But where I have been hearing and seeing this word-------------the obituariers. After attendeding a funeral on Saturday where this word was mentioned alot, I thought about it alot on the way home.
Good or bad, women who able and choose to put their home before all else are a dying breed.
The idea of a homemaker is only dated if you think putting your family and your time together first is old fashioned .
Don't get me wrong ,I have no desire to go back to the "leave it Beaver" days.
Women who are homemakers that put a lot of effort in it make huge contributions thier family and should be rightfully listed as part of who they are.
I don't think I would mind if someone listed me in that category, I'd only hope that I'd live up to the compliment.
I feel lucky that I get more time at home than most and do not spend as much time doing a juggling act of work, home, kids and a life for myself.
The generation of homemakers that are leaving us, were some of the best cooks, some of the best moms, and created a great sense of family.
Saying good bye to those women, is tough for everyone beacuse they are such a dying breed of women and it leaves such a void in the family, you can just feel it. They are the ones that always some how brought every one together.
I do love when I go to a service for someone and they really make it about them and capture them in a way that you really feel their presence.
For this one, they put her 50 year old rolling pin on top of casket in the flowers and on the back of the program was her famous carrott cake reciepe in her handwriting.
It so made me miss my own Grandma Betty. She was one of those women. It was sad to say good bye to another Saturday.
I guess I came away with some reflection and thought alot about what people will remember about you when you are gone.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Something new....

OK, I drink diet coke most of the time and am always up for trying something new and ran across this at Target ---Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper---I love it. Now I know not everyone will but I do. The thing is it's something you want to just have as a drink not with a meal--it kills the taste of whatever you're eating. So when you are in the mood for just a drink-check it out. PS- I'm always known for making one to many stops at sonic for a Diet Chocolate Coke so I've already been a fan of the flavor combo for quite some time.

Love this blog.......

Ok I really spend more time than I should checking out other blogs but I just love this cupcake blog it makes me want to make cupakes every time I check it

Check it out

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2007 Recap (Better Late than NEVER)

Alright, I'm always a sucker on new years eve going around and talking about the best and worst things of 2007 that happened to you. It's always nice to reflect and learn and take a minute to realize that all those things end up somehow becoming part of who you are as you move forward into the next year. I also always like to wish for things and make plans of what I'd like to see happen for the next year.
The BEST thing that happened to me in 2007 was nothing more than a 20 year come true for me. Those that know me well have heard the story about 1,000 times and you know what I DON'T care that you are hearing it again for the 1,001 time.
For mothers day, my hubby got me a plane ticket and 2- 2ND row seats to see Harry Connick JR in Dallas.
My cousin Toni lives there and put me up and drove me around and went to the show with me.
Now, the show in it's self was AMAZING put what happened afterward was the best. I felt like a crazed fan but I lingered outside the building by the tour buses after the show in hopes that Harry would indeed come out greet those that hung around. And he did. He walked out in a perfectly fitted black t shirt and jeans waved then walked through the gate and stood there.Yes standing in front of him feeling like a teenage girl with sweaty hand and almost no ability to talk. He singed a CD insert I had (which is now framed) and I said I and he said HI back and thank you. He was nice and more handsome in person than I ever could have imagined he would be. I Will never forget it.
The Worst thing that happened in 2007 was the car accident that claimed the life of Chris's sister Becky and our 2 year old niece.
Becky was how I meet Chris. I've always been thankful for her for that. Since she was my age and we graduated together Class of 91, people you have known for 20 years that know almost everything about are rare. But what breaks me up the most are the 3 other kids she left without a mom.
It's made me value my time and life here on earth because sometimes without warning it could be over.
On lighter note, looking in 2008, her husband and since found a love again and is getting remarried and we wish him all the best.
2008---------------wishes, hopes and plans
I wish we would come up with the time and funds to take the kids to Disney world before they get much older.
I hope that I manage my time better and work and get more things done.
I plan on have a huge yard sale and getting rid of all the outgrown kid stuff and making room in my basement for the kids an arts and crafts space.
I plan on reading more real books........not just magazines.
Wishing everyone the best 2008.