Saturday, February 23, 2008

Under the Weather...........

Not only was the weather bad this week but I got, as Sponge Bob would say, a case of the suds.
I'm talking bad.....real high fevers. I'm really still in a fog and it's been almost a week. So my house falls apart when I'm not well. The toys are everywhere. Last night I tought I heard the words food fight....and my two boys were throwing plastic food at each other. It was quite amusing except for the mess.
I have not even been to Target this week or anywhere else for that matter.
Earlier last week before the suds hit, I snuck out of the house to go see U2 3D.
Let me say it was very very well done and so cool. I mean, the trill of having Bono feel like he was in your lap, was just very darn exciting. I super loved it. Even if you just think U2 are OK, I would check this out. The 3d parts of this are jaw dropping. I saw them back in 1987, WOW that makes me like so old, during the Joshua Tree. This concert movie really is almost better than the real thing.
I got to be in charge and make cupcakes for Carter's valentine's party. I tried to make the Rachel Ray marshmallow frosting and I tasted it like a stick of butter so I ended up making butter cream instead. I was very quick to judge on the RR frosting. After it sat all afternoon, the flavors blended together and was good not as sweet as butter cream. So I think I'll try it again just make it the day before and let it sit.
I like cool weather but the under 20 temp has to stop soon. I can't wait for Spring.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Some cringe at the very mention of the word.OR scoff. Or smirk. Or cringe. Or Cry.
Young women today are not homemakers. They bring home the bcon and help fry it the pan.
And if too tired to cook, they order pizza and play video games with their kids.
But the word has come up a lot lately and I for one like the sound it.
It conjures up picture of a cozy house and a happy family and the person who has chosen to make all that a priority.
It's a much better word than housewife or stay at home mom.
But where I have been hearing and seeing this word-------------the obituariers. After attendeding a funeral on Saturday where this word was mentioned alot, I thought about it alot on the way home.
Good or bad, women who able and choose to put their home before all else are a dying breed.
The idea of a homemaker is only dated if you think putting your family and your time together first is old fashioned .
Don't get me wrong ,I have no desire to go back to the "leave it Beaver" days.
Women who are homemakers that put a lot of effort in it make huge contributions thier family and should be rightfully listed as part of who they are.
I don't think I would mind if someone listed me in that category, I'd only hope that I'd live up to the compliment.
I feel lucky that I get more time at home than most and do not spend as much time doing a juggling act of work, home, kids and a life for myself.
The generation of homemakers that are leaving us, were some of the best cooks, some of the best moms, and created a great sense of family.
Saying good bye to those women, is tough for everyone beacuse they are such a dying breed of women and it leaves such a void in the family, you can just feel it. They are the ones that always some how brought every one together.
I do love when I go to a service for someone and they really make it about them and capture them in a way that you really feel their presence.
For this one, they put her 50 year old rolling pin on top of casket in the flowers and on the back of the program was her famous carrott cake reciepe in her handwriting.
It so made me miss my own Grandma Betty. She was one of those women. It was sad to say good bye to another Saturday.
I guess I came away with some reflection and thought alot about what people will remember about you when you are gone.