Thursday, April 24, 2008


Surprise. Well maybe not. I think few things surprise me any more. But I find days once and awhile that really everything is surprising.
boys will be boys-----this I know for sure
husbands will be husbands
moms will be moms
the general population of America will be mostly crazy
Surprises should be of the good kind, make you happy, make your day because you were not counting on it to happen at all.
When was the last time you were really surprised?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Feel the Love

I'm not even sure how I came across this blog.
But am so touched by their story.
You can feel how much they love one another.
There's a fasttrack section that will fill you in on all you need to know.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How come no one told me?

About the DoubleChocolaty Chip Frappuccino at Starbucks ....I mean really that was one of the best new (new to me anyway) things that I've had in a long time.
WoW it was good.
I treated myself to one for my birthday.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Every once in awhile you'll hear part of a song and the lyrics really strike a cord with you.

Below are those such lyrics form Robin Thicke 's Lonely world

Beautiful Mom can U smile
Can U glow can U sing me my favrite song
Coffee for one Clothes are clean
Kids are gone What to do She's a sleeping sun
She sees birds fly out her window
She watches jealously
she says she's to old 4 new new things
But mama
You've got wings

Friday, April 4, 2008

Do you know me?

How well do you ever really know someone?
Sometimes it's odd to me that someone I've known for a very short time knows more about what I like and who I am than some one how has known me for 20 years.
How can that be? I've always wondered why that is? Is it only me that this happens to? I don't think it's because they care more about me that they know what I enjoy, like and listen too.
They just must not have any interest in knowing me, they just walk around thinking they do when they don't. This whole time have had it their mind what "I am". What a shame to know someone for that long and it really never came across their mind to get to know me. Maybe because they like their " idea" of me rather than the reality.
No it's not my man I"m talking about. He usually knows what I'm going to do before I do and just how I'll respond.
What a strange relationship it is. I wish it were different but it's not. I'm willing to talk but the other party needs to want to listen but yet they really choose not to. If this was a relationship of choice it would be so easy to walk away but it's not that kind.
Acceptance with out resentment is the best choice I think.
So what makes you want to thake the time in getting to know someone?
I like blogs so I know more about people I've never face to face than this person knows about me.
Now that I"ve made no sense to some of you..........I know one thing for for sure I know me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Guilty of Blog neglect. What can I say really? I have not had much go on in my world that's been worthy of blogging about. It's all been about details like laundry dishes . Not much exciting.
I did an awesome deal on a table for my boys. I've been looking for a coffee table with the ability to store Lego's and I got the perfect one for 20.00. It's got basket drawers and a iron metal shelf on the bottom for bins. I love it and so do the boys. We've even managed to sort through 15 pounds of Lego's into different parts. They had to let go of some baby toys to make the table work in room and they thought it was worth. Everyone is happy.
I'm so happy that it's starting to warm up although the spring winds did knock down a very large tree branch we are talking a good 20 ft tall branch. A days worth of work to clean up. (Insert big sigh)
And for those of you that tend to forget stuff--------don't forget my birthday next Wednesday the 9th.